Let's begin by identifying trade marks of the quirky things architects do when subjected to a new environment. You may have architect-friends of your own. Observe one common gesture that these aesthetically-enlightened individuals do upon entering a space---they look up at the ceiling. They observe the light fixtures, the contours, the finish-treatments, and the colors.
A friend recently took me to a Poetry Slam at The Green Mill in Uptown Chicago one Sunday evening. I can't help but notice issues about adjacency at the stage. It was bothering to see that the restrooms are located next to the stage----when all eyes and ears of the audience are directed in the same line of sight for the restroom and that of the performance venue.
I immediately told my drink-companion (To my friend: If you're reading this, you didn't think I was serious about blogging this, huh?) that I will have to blog about this. The two rectangular doors at the right side of the image above are the entrance doors to the Ladies and Men's restrooms. I couldn't believe that the designer of this former Al-Capone-speakeasy from the Prohibition era missed an essential element of design---adjacency. Or was this the intent so as to attract mobster patrons?
Another common trait among architects is the so-called "long hours". These professionals are notorious for working late nights and sometimes even pulling all-nighters. We had our very own architecture schools/studio as training ground in this department. Notice how some of your architect-friends pull one of those "disappearing acts" on you when it comes to social calendars. You'd consider yourself lucky if you actually see these nocturnal artists four weekends in a row! It's just the nature of the beast.
Sometimes this work ethic is misunderstood as "becoming a slave to work" instead of using work in order to live. But what if what you do for a living is what you are passionate about? Then the line is blurred between what is work and what you enjoy doing. The result is that work becomes "not work" anymore. I for one happen to love what I do. I've always dreamed of becoming an architect since first grade. Right now, I am living this dream. To deny me of my passion in architecture is like denying me my right to dream---and dream big.
Next characteristic is that architects love well-designed objects and spaces. I don't care if it's just a pen, a toothbrush, or a soap dispenser---I try to buy these objects based on their aesthetics. Furniture tops this list too. Last night as I was having dinner with friends at the N9NE Steakhouse in the West Loop, the unique stair railings made of flat metal caught my attention. One of the primary reasons why I wanted to check out this place was because of the photos I saw of its interiors including their "Ghost Bar", very modern, very stylish.
I was so focused on the well-designed bar stools, salad plates, bowls, and glasses that I almost missed how excellent the steak was. Culinary Art is yet another form of aesthetics that I have yet to explore on. I'm really not big on "eating" however I do love the presentation aspect of food.
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