Upon the recommendation of my sister, I watched the movie "The Lakehouse" starring Keannu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. I have to admit, this is a chick-flick, but I was more attracted to the architecture in the movie than the movie itself. They had an architectural walking tour of Chicago, the characters have 3 architects in it, they quoted architectural jargons and names that made me feel connected. In the photo at the top, this scene brought back memories of my years in school.
But the moral of the story is that two people were brought together by this unique architectural piece---The Lakehouse. True architecture does that to you---you experience it, rather than see it.
hi lira! i checked out your blog to see if you did watch The Lakehouse, as it does mention Frank Lloyd Wright and his work. I was going to recommend it as well, but i guess someone beat me to it :)
the house in lakehouse is a bore compared to the house in its original movie... il mare. thats worth seeing
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